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    Merging Social Media, Content Marketing,
    Advertising & PR
    to best reach the
    LGBTQ+ Community Online

Looking to market your company to the LGBTQ+ community online? Call us at (323) 963-3653 or contact us here to get started.

For the first time, we can automatically target LGBTQ+ individuals who have already expressed an interest in YOUR INDUSTRY...
now that's a warm lead!

Be a part of the LGBTQ+ conversation! Is your LGBTQ+ Marketing putting YOU and YOUR ORGANIZATION at the CENTER of LGBTQ+ Conversations online? Let us help AMPLIFY your message to a BROADER LGBTQ+ online audience, keeping your PRIDE message alive 24/7, 365 days per year!

Integrate the power of content marketing and PR with the reach of social media... merge with traditional online strategies, including hyper-targeted banner ads and Facebook newsfeed ads, optimized for desktop, mobile and tablet viewing... monitor and measure for success!

With so many world-class companies marketing themselves to the LGBTQ+ community today, it's important for some of these organizations to stand out amongst the crowd. For these select few, the following is a 3-pronged approach to doing just that, with a strategy developed over the past few years that taps into the growth of targeted, programmatic ad buying, along with the maturation and overall acceptance of social media in society today. Our strategy consists of:

  1. Targeted, Programmatic Advertising - reach your company's specific LGBTQ+ demographic using some of the latest techniques in the integration of technology with online advertising, on websites, mobile apps and social media newsfeeds (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn). Specifically, we can hyper-target an LGBTQ+ individual who has shown a specific interest in YOUR industry, as well as products and services similar to your business.

  2. Social Media, including LGBTQ+ Writers, Bloggers, YouTube Content Creators & Influencers - we can monitor any and all conversations, articles and blog postings related to your industry and ensure your organization has its "share of voice" and is part of these online conversations. We can also help you tap into the expanding world of LGBTQ+ media and individuals who can help organization spread the word as well.

  3. User-Generated Content (UGC) campaign - We curate, engage with and share THE BEST in LGBTQ+ conversations (photos, videos and blog posts) by others in your industry. Other content we engage with are from those attending a local Pride festival or other event of LGBTQ+ interest in your region or industry as well.
    By engaging and sharing with these LGBTQ+ individuals online, we put you and your organization at the center of these conversations, increasing your company's brand awareness, social media followers, click-throughs to your website and overall engagement with your social media posts..

Check out our NEW STARTER PACKAGE for 2024, at $495!

Read our latest blog post, Strategy, Performance & New Customer Acquisition,
providing more insights into our package above.

Some Recent Sample Client Work
Recent LGBTQ+ Client Work We've Done

Take a look at some of the programs we've managed with clients recently,
incorporating #ILoveGay, LGBTQ+ influencers and targeted Facebook & Twitter advertising.

Disney Music Group's Out Artist Morgxn

We recently had the opportunity to work with the team at Hollywood Records, which is part of the Disney Music Group, to promote some of their LGBTQ+ music artists for the Pride 2019 season. The goal was stronger awareness of both their LGBTQ+ musical artists, and their Pride 2019 performance schedule all throughout the US.
Click for more...

Comcast California and San Francisco Pride

That same weekend, on behalf of Comcast California, we teamed up with the folks at GayClubTV to capture photo & video footage of Comcast California's San Francisco Pride presence, including interviews at their booth with the ever-popular Farrah Moan, as well as their presence in the San Francisco Pride Festival held that Sunday. Some of this content was published live via Facebook & Twitter, as well as compiled and edited into a high quality video on YouTube. The final blog post was then promoted via Facebook & Twitter, targeting the LGBT Northern California communities served by Comcast in that area.
Click for more...

Our LGBTQ+ Marketing & Advertising Websites

PinkMedia.LGBT          LGBTBrandVoice.com          LGBTNew.Media          LGBTBold.com          LGBTGenZ.com          LGBTHealthMarketing.com

Our LGBTQ+ Content, Social Media & Business Listing Integration Websites

ILoveGay.Biz          ILoveGay.LGBT          ILoveGay.NET

GayRelevant.com      |      PinkieB.com      |      PinkBananaTravel.com      |      PinkBananaBiz.com

#ILoveGay Today
  ILoveGay Views
#ILoveGay Views

Our LGBTQ+ Tourism Marketing Websites

ILoveGayTravel.com          LGBTDestinationMarketing.com         

Pink Media World VIDEOS